All items are shipped via to U.S. posting service and take approximately 3-5 business days. Once items are shipped, tracking numbers will be sent to the email address provided with the purchase. Orders are processed within 7-10 business days before shipping. Shipping may take up to 7-14 business days.
Pretty Amour Shop isn’t responsible for any lost items. If your tracking information states that your package was delivered and you have not received it. You must take this up with the United States Postal Service. Shop Pretty Amour does not hold responsibility for package that states have been delivered or listed as intraceable.
If items have not been received, they can be located by using the tracking number or contacting your local political.
No refunds or exchanges. All sales are final! No exceptions!
In the rare occasions a refund is issued (on case to case basis up to the owner) it will be minus 20% and minus the shipping cost 20% restock fee and shipping is non refundable.
No exchanges.
For further information feel free to email us at [email protected]
Thank you!